
Dave Reviews “Be Like Amazon”

This podcast audio served as the source for the blog post “Be Like Amazon – Even a Lemonade Stand Can Do It.”

The transcript was rewritten to produce the blog post, which is the cornerstone of the Shortcut Content system.

Shayla: You are listening to the Shortcut Content podcast and I’m talking with founder Dave Young. Dave, tell us about the book “Be Like Amazon.” What’s that about and why do you want to talk about it today?

Dave: Well, I don’t normally do book reviews on Shortcut Content’s content channels. I’m not sure why. Maybe I need more books.…


Do Something Out of the Ordinary

This podcast audio served as the source for the blog post “Say “Yes” More Often.”

The transcript was rewritten to produce the blog post, which is the cornerstone of the Shortcut Content system.

Shayla: Thank you for joining us for the Shortcut Content podcast. I’m talking with founder Dave Young. Dave, why should we start saying “yes” to more things and just putting ourselves out there a little bit more?

Dave: Yeah, it’s interesting. We’ve talked in a previous episode about the Farmer’s Insurance agent who did the YouTube viral thing about the rancid shark or fish guts can…


Why Does Dave Use KATY Love?

This podcast audio served as the source for the blog post “Dave Reviews KATY Love.”

The transcript was rewritten to produce the blog post, which is the cornerstone of the Shortcut Content system.

Get some KATY *

Shayla: Welcome to the Shortcut Content podcast. I am talking with Dave Young today. Dave, I’m going to be honest with our listeners, I have no idea what the product you’re holding in your hands is right now, but I want you to tell me about it and what’s your review of this product and what is it?



Why Should I Create Non-Sales Content?

This podcast audio served as the source for the blog post “Create Something (Anything) Other Than Sales Content.”

The transcript was rewritten to produce the blog post, which is the cornerstone of the Shortcut Content system.

Shayla: You are listening to the Shortcut Content podcast and I’m talking with Dave Young today. Dave, obviously, at Shortcut Content, you’re all about content. So why should people be sending their clients content, not only when they want them to purchase something?

Dave: You mean content that doesn’t say rush right out in a buying frenzy?

Shayla: Yeah, something like that.



How Can I Get Weekly Content from a Monthly Meeting?

This podcast audio served as the source for the blog post “Get Weekly Content from a Monthly Meeting.”

The transcript was rewritten to produce the blog post, which is the cornerstone of the Shortcut Content system.

Shayla: Thanks for joining us today for the Shortcut Content podcast. I’m talking with founder Dave Young. Dave, how can we get weekly content from a monthly meeting?

Dave: So that’s one of the challenges of being a blogger, of being a chief marketing officer is you at least want to have content that goes out regularly and, typically, that’s, hey, let’s publish…


How is Shortcut Content Ammo for CMOs?

This podcast audio served as the source for the blog post “Shortcut Content: Ammo for CMOs.”

The transcript was rewritten to produce the blog post, which is the cornerstone of the Shortcut Content system.

Shayla: You are listening to the Shortcut Content podcast and I am talking with Dave Young. Dave, what do you mean when you say “ammo for CMOs”?

Dave: When I’m talking about ammo for CMOs, one of the challenges that you have when you’re in charge of marketing, but you’re not in charge of the overall product or service, you’ve been brought in as…


Dave Explains Shortcut Content

This podcast audio served as the source for the blog post “What in the world is Shortcut Content?” 

The transcript was rewritten to produce the blog post, which is the cornerstone of the Shortcut Content system.

Shayla: Thank you for joining us for the Shortcut Content podcast. I’m speaking with founder Dave Young. Dave, what do you say to someone when they ask you “What is Shortcut Content?”

Dave: What is Shortcut Content? If I want to sound interesting, I’ll say “we’re a content creation boutique firm. Whatever that means, right? The long and the short of it is that…


How to Use Signaling Theory for Your Business

This podcast audio served as the source for the blog post “Use Signaling Theory to Improve Your Business.” 

The transcript was rewritten to produce the blog post, which is the cornerstone of the Shortcut Content system.

Shayla: Welcome to the Shortcut Content podcast. I’m talking with founder Dave Young today. Dave, you want to talk about signaling theory so why do you tell us what that is?

Dave: Signaling theory. It’s a really interesting concept. It’s typically something that’s known by biologists because animals use signaling theory. It’s how they can express their strength, and I’ll give you an example…


How to Get Your Employees to Blog for Your Business

This podcast audio served as the source for the blog post “How to Get Your Employees to Create Blog Posts.”

The transcript was rewritten to produce the blog post, which is the cornerstone of the Shortcut Content system.

Shayla: Thank you for joining us for the Shortcut Content podcast. I’m talking with founder Dave Young today. Dave, how might a business owner get their employees involved in creating content?

Dave: That’s a really good question and in my experience, it’s really a difficult thing to do to get your employees really excited about creating content for your site. The problem…


How Can I Repurpose Old News?

This podcast audio served as the source for the blog post “How to Repurpose Old News & PR” 

The transcript was rewritten to produce the blog post, which is the cornerstone of the Shortcut Content system.

Shayla: You are listening to the Shortcut Content podcast and I’m talking with founder Dave Young. Dave, how do you repurpose old news and pr to create blog posts?

Dave: Well, one of the problems that some our clients have run into is that we help them develop a list of topics that they can write about or talk to us about over the…