Increase your credibility – Repurpose your blog posts into eBooks

One of the best indicators of a credible business owner is if they have published a book. I have a client in my marketing practice consultancy who has published a New York Times bestseller. We used to have people who were unfamiliar with my client’s website visit the site, navigate through it, and answer a few questions. Almost all of those people said that the graphic at the top of the site promoting their New York Times bestseller made them more confident in the site’s credibility.

If you’re already blogging and don’t intend to write a physical book, an ebook is a very good alternative. It can be a big hurdle to get thousands of copies of a book printed and stocked on store shelves. Ebooks have a drastically lower barrier to entry compared to physical books while still retaining most of the advantages of physical books. If you’re constantly describing solutions to people’s problems in the form of a blog, you will eventually have enough material to be repurposed into an ebook.

A clear advantage of ebooks over physical books is increased flexibility. Ebooks are typically as short as 8 to 10 pages but can be 50 to 60 pages or even longer. They can be downloaded and read on computers or mobile devices like tablets or smartphones. You may decide to charge a small fee or give it away as an incentive to take further action. For example, you may offer a free download of your ebook for subscribing to a newsletter.

It really doesn’t take that long to turn blog posts into chapters and subchapters of a book. It’s mainly a process of compiling the posts and editing them into a different format. We have many clients who have posted upwards of 50,000 words on their blog. That is more than enough to form into an ebook. Although ebooks might not give the same level of credibility as having a New York Times bestseller, you can still increase your perceived credibility by having a picture of your ebook on your website with a download link.

You may already have a backlog of valuable content in your history of blog posts. If not, now is the best time to get started with blogging. Read about why you should use Shortcut Content to make a great blog. We can also help you write a purpose-driven ebook from scratch instead of repurposing previous blog posts. Because we tailor these services to work as well as possible for your specific needs, pricing will vary.